Cost effective structures and power powerful residences indicates simply using less power to offer the same stage of service. An example would be insulating material a developing to use less air conditioning power to achieve the same heat range. Another example is installing neon lighting and/or skylights instead of incandescent lighting to obtain the same stage of light. Efficient power use is achieved primarily through a more powerful technology or process rather than by changes in individual behavior.

Energy powerful structures and power powerful residences. A structure's location and surroundings play a key role in managing its heat range and light. For example, plants, gardening, and mountains can offer shade and block wind. In cooler locations, developing structures with an east-west alignment to increase the number of south-facing windows reduces power use, by increasing passive solar warming. Tight developing design, including energy-efficient windows, well-sealed doors, and additional heat insulating material of walls, underground room pieces, and footings can reduce heat loss by 25 to 50%.


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